Most of these shots were taken clueless to the identities of our subject plants and animals. Fortunately several friends and acquaintences stepped forward and challenged themselves to find them. They are: Lynn Troy Maniscalco, Terry Wilson, Karen Rusiniak, Jerome Rainey, James Comstock, Laura Wheeler, Elaine Tubinis, Dorothy Von Zumwalt, Eric Marx, Betsy Rothstein, Joy Demain, Maureen Adler at the El Dorado Park Nature Center, Kathy Musial at the Huntington Botanical Garden, Shelly Mitchell at Paleaku Gardens Peace Sanctuary, and Sharona Belcher at Hui No'eau Visual Arts Center. We also found quick and useful information on the phone app "Plant Net." We liberally used wikipedia and basic search data to enhance the descriptions.
From the 3-D photography community we'd like to thank David Kuntz, who proofed text, provided the concise definition of "stereo pair" in the introduction, and made the cool “3D” text graphic on the cover and top of this page. James Comstock also consulted on the cover selection. Thanks to George Themelis (aka "Dr. T", www.drt3d.com) for his inspiring 3-D images, and for the manipulations he made on the Lumix 3-D lenses I use. Without his advances, this book would not exist. Thanks to a guiding light, Masuji Suto, whose StereoPhoto Maker PC software and 3dSteroid phone and tablet app have improved the lives and work of thousands of stereographers around the world. Thanks to John Jerit and American Paper Optics for their 3-D glasses and long time support. Thanks to Brian Cohen for printing consultations, and to Wendy McManus for her support and help on image selection.
I feel fortunate to have convinced Jim McManus to join me on this project. I wanted to make the best book I possibly could, and realized that I could not do so alone. Jim’s skills and passion made him the obvious choice.
First edition, first printing: November 2020. Printed in the USA. 3-D glasses made in the USA.
Published by 3dDigitalPhoto.com, Copyright 2020 by 3dDigitalPhoto.Com, all rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from 3dDigitalPhoto.com.
Phantom3D® is a registered trademark of Barry Rothstein.
ISBN-10: 0-9769494-3-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-9769494-3-5
Dedicated to Ray 3D Zone, the daddy of us all